Combo Pack: Bogart 7 Comprehensive & Bogart 8 What's New Courses
- Dual Class: Bogart 7 Intensive PLUS What's New in Bogart 8
- 21 learning videos organized into 8 different sections
- Step-by-step demonstrations of every button and function inside the Bogart v7 software
- Tips and tricks sprinkled throughout to help you maximize the software
- Comments for each lesson enable you to ask questions and ideas with other learners
Here's a listing of the lessons in the Bogart 7 Intensive Class
Settings Menus
Bogart 7 Settings Menu 1: System Settings - An introduction to the Settings options System Settings. 14:56
Bogart 7 Settings Menu 2: System Settings & User Interface - We continue in the System Settings Menu, this lesson focusing on the User Interface Options. Video length: 14:56
Bogart 7 Settings Menu 3 - Storyboard/Timeline Options - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Settings Screen, Part 3 focusing on the Storyboard/Timeline Options menu. (9:57)
Bogart 7 Settings Menu 4 - Screen & Record Playback - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Settings Menu, Part 4. (14:14)Focused on the 'Screen' & 'Record, Playback' menus
Bogart 7 Settings Menu 5 - Effects, Rendering & Archives - Learning the Settings Menu 'Effects, Rendering' & 'Archives" options (14:50)
Bogart 7 Project Settings Menu - Learning the Project Settings Menu (25:11)
Import Menus
Video Menus: Import, Record - Learning to use the functions in the Bogart 7 Import Menu (12:41)
Bogart 7 Introduction to Import & Record Menus - Chet provides an introduction and distinction between the Import and Record Video Menus (2:24)
Bogart 7 Record Menu - Learning the functions in the Bogart 7 Record Menu. (9:34)
Bogart 7 Import Menu - Learning to use the functions in the Bogart 7 Import Menu (12:41)
Edit Menu
Bogart 7 Edit Menu 1 - Scene Bin, Split, & Trim - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Edit Menu, Part 1. (38:17) Includes Trim & Split functions
Bogart 7 Edit Menu 2 - Special - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Edit Menu, Part 2. Focusing on the 'Special' menu (20:11)
Bogart 7 Edit Menu 3 - New - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Edit Menu, Part 3. (14:51)Focusing on the 'New' menu
Bogart 7 Edit Menu 4 - 'Opt' and Storyboard - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Edit Menu, Part 4. (20:11)Focusing on the 'Opt' menu and Storyboard functions.
Bogart 7 Edit - Insert Menu - Learning the features and functions associated with the Insert options in the Bogart 7 Edit Menu.
Effects: Transitions, Image Processing, Titling
Bogart 7 Title Menu -Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Title Menu (39:25)
Bogart 7 Image Processing Menu -Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Image Processing Menu (13:32)
Bogart 7 Transition Menu - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Transition Menu. (32:34)
Audio Menus
Bogart 7 Audio Menu: Record & Edit - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Audio Record & Edit Menu (26:25)
Bogart 7 Audio Menu: Mix - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Audio Mix Menu. (42:45)
Finish Menus
Bogart 7 Export: Arabesk (Arabesk 6 Intro) - Chet provides an overview of the process to burn a project to DVD (or Blu-ray disk).
Bogart 7 Export: Finish - Learning the features and functions in the Bogart 7 Finish Menus - focusing on the Export Options (10:58)
Bogart for Windows: Bonus Lessons
Bogart HD-Backup Sentry - Learning the options in the new project back-up software called 'HD-Backup Sentry'
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